Community Service

Welcome to the Orlando Camera Club Community Services information page.  The Orlando Camera Club believes in giving back to the community by donating its time and talents to non/not for profit organizations in need of photography services.

Please note that submitting a request is not a guarantee of provision of services, however, we will do our best to provide any help we can depending on the availability of volunteers as well as other prior/competing commitments. Requests should be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the event.

Please scroll down the page for information   regarding requests for  volunteer   photographers for non/not for profit events. 

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in volunteering or have questions please email the community services chairperson at

[email protected]

Links to prior event photos

Click here to see links to event photos

Thank You

2024 Hearts of Gold

2024 Hearts of Gold

Thank you to the amazing Tish Hart and Chris Harris for the wonderful photos they took for the Hearts of Gold Fundraiser.  The money raised goes to support the Coalition for the Homeless.

2024 Morgan Center Graduation

Thank you to Tish Hart and Christine Otu for the amazing job they did with photos for this special graduation.  the families and children will have these memories for ever.

2024 Morgan Center Graduation

2024 Touch a Trunk – Children’s Safety Village

2024 Touch a Truck

Thanks to Cliff Morris for the great job he did with photos for the 2024 Children’s Safety Village Touch a Truck Event.  Looks like it was a great and fun day for the kids.


2024 emergency Drill

2024 Multi County Exercise

Once again the OCC was able to participate in the annual Multi County Emergency Drill.

Thanks to Dana Hutchinson, Chris Harris, Arch Boothe, Gina Dietrich, Jo Fox, and Mark Politt for taking their time to document this event and make an important difference in the readiness of our emergency services.

For those who are not familiar with the drill, it is a mock mass casualty drill that involves multiple hospital systems in multiple counties.  Volunteers are given a scenario to act out and are in Moulage makeup.  Staff has to set up for the emergency and participate as if it were a real situation.  We participate by taking photos of how things are progressing throughout the drill to document things that are done well and where things might need to be tweaked to ensure the system is ready in the event of such a situation.  These drills make a huge difference in responses to situations such as the Pulse shooting years ago.  Hopefully, the system will never have to be activated again for this type of situation but it is good to know they are there and ready.

2024 Center for Independent Living Golf Fund Raiser

To view photos click here.

2024 Center for Independent Living Fund Raiser

Thank you to Tish Hart and Christine Otu for once again doing a great job with photos for a worthy cause.  Looks like every one had a great time.

2024 Southeastern Guide Dog Walk

2024 Southeastern Guide Dog Walk

Thank yo to Tish Hart who graciously stepped up and took photos for this great group at their Walk a thon.  It was a beautiful day and who doesn’t love all those dogs.

2024 Children’s Safety Village Golf Tournament

2024 CSV Golf Tournament

Thanks to Mike Vincent and Matt Klinger the Children’s Safety Village Golf Tournament has some great photos to share with participants.  Thanks so much for the great job the 2 of  you did.

to view more  photos go to:

2024 CSV Golf Tournament

To Request Volunteer Photographer Assistance  Please   Read  Below

The Orlando Camera Club (OCC) considers any services its club members provide an “in-kind” donation to your organization/event.  Time at events and   for post processing is valued at $75.00/hour/photographer.  Services are   provided   for non/not for profit  organization events   if volunteers   are available.  (Primarily 501 c(3) and 501 c(4) designated organizations.  Others will be considered on a case by case basis.)

Please submit all requests a minimum of 30 days in advance of your event.  Photographers are volunteers, therefore, photo assistance can not be guaranteed. We will try our best to provide any help we can.  Help will depend on the photographers availability and other needs/organization activities that may be in conflict with the date/time of your event.

To request volunteer assistance please send an email to

[email protected]

 and provide the following information regarding your event.

  • Name of Organization and its non-profit/not for profit designation
  • Contact name, email and phone number
  • Event date, time and location
  • Expected number of attendees
  • Number of photographers requested
  • Description of event
  • How   will  you recognize the  Orlando Camera   Club  for  the services   provided?
  • How will photos taken be used/ accessed by the community after the event?
  • Is there a secure place provided where photographers can store equipment not in immediate use?
  • Will food be provided for the photographers?
  • Will the camera club be able to display informational fliers in a readily visible place during the event?


OCC photographers will be allowed to wear vests or other club identifying clothing at the event (exception may be made for more formal events).

Images submitted by the OCC photographers will include include an OCC watermark and photographer name (name is optional if photographer prefers not to be identified on their photo). Photos taken at events may appear on the Orlando Camera Club website, Facebook page or elsewhere unless otherwise indicated by the person/organization making the request for services that they prefer they not be used.  Requests to not have photos shared will be evaluated and honored, as seen appropriate by the community services chairperson.

Community Service Events Photos

To View photos from Community Service Events Click on this link

"Where Better Photos Are Just One Click Away"