Image Gallery

Annual Winners 2023

Annual Banquet 2023

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Annual Winners 2022

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Annual Banquet 2022


Annual Winners 2021

Annual Banquet 2021

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See below for a collection original works created by our members.  Click on an image to see it larger. If you wish to see more information on the enlarged image, click on the “I” in the lower right corner of the image.

Please see past competition results on the Orlando Camera Club YouTube Channel Orlando Camera Club YouTube Channel

August 2022 Winners “Open”

June 2022 Winners “High Key/Low Key”

Informal Challenges 2022

April 2022 Winners “Anything Water”

February 2022 Winners “Open”

Informal Challenge Winners 2021

December 2021 Winners “Minimalism”

October 2021 Winners “Nature”

Informal Challenge Gallery through 2020

October 2020  “Cityscapes” Gallery

August 2020  “Open” Gallery

June 2020  “Humans” Gallery

April 2020  “Close-Up or Macro” Gallery

February 2020  “Open” Gallery

Annual Winners 2020 Gallery

Annual Winners 2019 Gallery

"Where Better Photos Are Just One Click Away"